lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

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sábado, 22 de mayo de 2010


Juan Pablo Br… 10 amigos
15 discusiones
Sean beienvenidos a Twitter
Anival Peñalo… Anival Peñaloza raquel osefin… raquel osefina cartaya garcia Rafael León Rafael León Miguel Mufreg… Miguel Mufrege--
George Louis… George Louis Perez Navarro
Twitteros venezolanos. Agrégate, coloca TU usuario en TWITTER. Twitter en Venezuela
1130 videos
5123 discusiones
136 Eventos
7765 publicaciones en el blog
Para controlar los correos electrónicos que recibes en TWITTERVENEZUELA, haz clic aquí


Juan Pablo Br… 10 amigos
15 discusiones

- Juan Pablo Bront Pamphil
Anival Peñalo… Anival Peñaloza raquel osefin… raquel osefina cartaya garcia Rafael León Rafael León Miguel Mufreg… Miguel Mufrege--
George Louis… George Louis Perez Navarro
Twitteros venezolanos. Agrégate, coloca TU usuario en TWITTER. Twitter en Venezuela
1130 videos
5123 discusiones
136 Eventos
7765 publicaciones en el blog
Para controlar los correos electrónicos que recibes en TWITTERVENEZUELA, haz clic aquí

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010


Juan Pablo Br… 9 amigos
14 discusiones
Gratamente, lo invito a disfrutar de este servicio de comunicacion social pronto y efectivo.
raquel osefin… raquel osefina cartaya garcia Rafael León Rafael León Miguel Mufreg… Miguel Mufrege--
George Louis… George Louis Perez Navarro german rivas german rivas
Twitteros venezolanos. Agrégate, coloca TU usuario en TWITTER. Twitter en Venezuela
1093 videos
5055 discusiones
131 Eventos
7676 publicaciones en el blog
Para controlar los correos electrónicos que recibes en TWITTERVENEZUELA, haz clic aquí

miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

usual thing



ge{nnnnn}neric via{nnnnn}gra

sild{nnnnn}enafil cit{nnnnn}rate
only 1.08 p{nnnnn}er p{nnnnn}ill
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q: wha{nnnnn}t a{nnnnn}re{nnnnn} a{nnnnn}re{nnnnn}a{nnnnn}s you se{nnnnn}nd orde{nnnnn}rs to?

a{nnnnn}: we{nnnnn} ship orde{nnnnn}rs to a{nnnnn}ny a{nnnnn}ddre{nnnnn}ss of the{nnnnn} world.

q: wha{nnnnn}t a{nnnnn}re{nnnnn} the{nnnnn} shipping me{nnnnn}thods?

a{nnnnn}: we{nnnnn} ca{nnnnn}n offe{nnnnn}r two kinds of shipping me{nnnnn}thods:

1) tra{nnnnn}cka{nnnnn}ble{nnnnn} courie{nnnnn}r: the{nnnnn} pa{nnnnn}cka{nnnnn}ge{nnnnn}s se{nnnnn}nt by this posta{nnnnn}l se{nnnnn}rvice{nnnnn} ca{nnnnn}n by tra{nnnnn}cke{nnnnn}d by the{nnnnn} tra{nnnnn}cking numbe{nnnnn}r supplie{nnnnn}d a{nnnnn}fte{nnnnn}r the{nnnnn} orde{nnnnn}r is shippe{nnnnn}d. se{nnnnn}e{nnnnn} tra{nnnnn}cking your pa{nnnnn}cka{nnnnn}ge{nnnnn} for de{nnnnn}ta{nnnnn}ils.
2) unre{nnnnn}giste{nnnnn}re{nnnnn}d ma{nnnnn}il
q: wha{nnnnn}t a{nnnnn}re{nnnnn} the{nnnnn} shipping ra{nnnnn}te{nnnnn}s?

a{nnnnn}: the{nnnnn} shipping ra{nnnnn}te{nnnnn}s va{nnnnn}ry de{nnnnn}pe{nnnnn}nding on the{nnnnn} ca{nnnnn}rrie{nnnnn}r you choose{nnnnn} a{nnnnn}nd on the{nnnnn} qua{nnnnn}ntity of products in your orde{nnnnn}r. the{nnnnn} fina{nnnnn}l cost will be{nnnnn} compute{nnnnn}d a{nnnnn}utoma{nnnnn}ticly on the{nnnnn} ca{nnnnn}rt pa{nnnnn}ge{nnnnn}.

q: wha{nnnnn}t is the{nnnnn} de{nnnnn}live{nnnnn}ry time{nnnnn}?

a{nnnnn}: a{nnnnn}ll the{nnnnn} products we{nnnnn} se{nnnnn}ll a{nnnnn}re{nnnnn} in stock for imme{nnnnn}dia{nnnnn}te{nnnnn} de{nnnnn}live{nnnnn}ry. howe{nnnnn}ve{nnnnn}r, we{nnnnn} ne{nnnnn}e{nnnnn}d a{nnnnn}bout 1-2 working da{nnnnn}ys to proce{nnnnn}ss a{nnnnn}n orde{nnnnn}r.

tra{nnnnn}cka{nnnnn}ble{nnnnn} courie{nnnnn}r: the{nnnnn} de{nnnnn}live{nnnnn}ry time{nnnnn} de{nnnnn}pe{nnnnn}nds on the{nnnnn} de{nnnnn}stina{nnnnn}tion country. usua{nnnnn}lly, it ta{nnnnn}ke{nnnnn}s a{nnnnn}bout 5-9 da{nnnnn}ys for a{nnnnn} pa{nnnnn}cka{nnnnn}ge{nnnnn} to be{nnnnn} de{nnnnn}live{nnnnn}re{nnnnn}d. re{nnnnn}me{nnnnn}mbe{nnnnn}r, the{nnnnn} time{nnnnn} fra{nnnnn}me{nnnnn} of your orde{nnnnn}r's de{nnnnn}live{nnnnn}ry be{nnnnn}gins a{nnnnn}fte{nnnnn}r we{nnnnn} ship your orde{nnnnn}r, not from the{nnnnn} time{nnnnn} you pla{nnnnn}ce{nnnnn}d your orde{nnnnn}r. a{nnnnn}fte{nnnnn}r the{nnnnn} pa{nnnnn}rce{nnnnn}l is se{nnnnn}nt out, it ge{nnnnn}ts a{nnnnn} tra{nnnnn}cking numbe{nnnnn}r a{nnnnn}nd ca{nnnnn}n be{nnnnn} tra{nnnnn}cke{nnnnn}d. se{nnnnn}e{nnnnn} tra{nnnnn}cking your pa{nnnnn}cka{nnnnn}ge{nnnnn} for de{nnnnn}ta{nnnnn}ils.
importa{nnnnn}nt! we{nnnnn} will not be{nnnnn} a{nnnnn}ble{nnnnn} to se{nnnnn}nd your orde{nnnnn}r by tra{nnnnn}cka{nnnnn}ble{nnnnn} courie{nnnnn}r se{nnnnn}rvice{nnnnn} if you spe{nnnnn}cify a{nnnnn} p.o. box in your shipping a{nnnnn}ddre{nnnnn}ss or if you give{nnnnn} us a{nnnnn} wrong te{nnnnn}le{nnnnn}phone{nnnnn} numbe{nnnnn}r.

unre{nnnnn}giste{nnnnn}re{nnnnn}d ma{nnnnn}il: the{nnnnn} de{nnnnn}live{nnnnn}ry ta{nnnnn}ke{nnnnn}s a{nnnnn}bout 14-21 da{nnnnn}ys (3 we{nnnnn}e{nnnnn}ks is the{nnnnn} ma{nnnnn}ximum the{nnnnn} de{nnnnn}live{nnnnn}ry ma{nnnnn}y ta{nnnnn}ke{nnnnn}). the{nnnnn} pa{nnnnn}rce{nnnnn}ls se{nnnnn}nt by this posta{nnnnn}l se{nnnnn}rvice{nnnnn} ca{nnnnn}nnot be{nnnnn} tra{nnnnn}cke{nnnnn}d.
q: wha{nnnnn}t if my orde{nnnnn}r is de{nnnnn}la{nnnnn}ye{nnnnn}d a{nnnnn}t customs?

a{nnnnn}: in ca{nnnnn}se{nnnnn} your orde{nnnnn}r is de{nnnnn}la{nnnnn}ye{nnnnn}d a{nnnnn}t customs, the{nnnnn}y inform you of tha{nnnnn}t. the{nnnnn}y a{nnnnn}sk the{nnnnn} re{nnnnn}cipie{nnnnn}nt to come{nnnnn} a{nnnnn}nd give{nnnnn} the{nnnnn}m a{nnnnn} pe{nnnnn}rmission to ope{nnnnn}n the{nnnnn} pa{nnnnn}rce{nnnnn}l. a{nnnnn}t this point it is e{nnnnn}xa{nnnnn}mine{nnnnn}d a{nnnnn}nd give{nnnnn}n to you. if you ha{nnnnn}ve{nnnnn} a{nnnnn}ny proble{nnnnn}ms with ge{nnnnn}tting your orde{nnnnn}r, ple{nnnnn}a{nnnnn}se{nnnnn} le{nnnnn}t us know a{nnnnn}nd we{nnnnn} will try to re{nnnnn}solve{nnnnn} the{nnnnn} proble{nnnnn}m.

q: wha{nnnnn}t a{nnnnn}m i to do if the{nnnnn} pa{nnnnn}cka{nnnnn}ge{nnnnn} is da{nnnnn}ma{nnnnn}ge{nnnnn}d whe{nnnnn}n i re{nnnnn}ce{nnnnn}ive{nnnnn} it or if it is missing?

a{nnnnn}: in this ca{nnnnn}se{nnnnn} fe{nnnnn}e{nnnnn}l fre{nnnnn}e{nnnnn} to conta{nnnnn}ct our support te{nnnnn}a{nnnnn}m a{nnnnn}nd notify of the{nnnnn} proble{nnnnn}m. we{nnnnn} will e{nnnnn}ithe{nnnnn}r re{nnnnn}se{nnnnn}nd the{nnnnn} pa{nnnnn}cka{nnnnn}ge{nnnnn} or re{nnnnn}fund your pa{nnnnn}yme{nnnnn}nt. se{nnnnn}e{nnnnn} our our policie{nnnnn}s se{nnnnn}ction.

q: how much will i ha{nnnnn}ve{nnnnn} to pa{nnnnn}y if you re{nnnnn}ship the{nnnnn} product?

a{nnnnn}: we{nnnnn} will re{nnnnn}ship the{nnnnn} product fre{nnnnn}e{nnnnn} of cha{nnnnn}rge{nnnnn}. no a{nnnnn}dditiona{nnnnn}l cha{nnnnn}rge{nnnnn}s will be{nnnnn} pla{nnnnn}ce{nnnnn}d.

many thanks!

Replica Ro8m7lex mo8hmdels obbkn7zaf the latest Baselwot1bzzelrld 2010 designs have just been launched ojgp7bmn ohour replica sites.

These are the first run o06f the 2010 mojceldels with inner Roa7049tvklex inscriptiom4c3jsrsns and better bands and cases.
o91nly limited to45xelvw3 1000 pieces wodwwusgrldwide, they are expected to1u4q0q sell orgbkut within a mof77zqkanth.

Rolex Sports Models
Ror6oyfmlex Datejusts
Rox4zrttknlex new mo6bsgj33dels
A Lange & Soxkxyk3bhne
Alain Silberstein
Audemars Piguet
Bell & Rophhfss
Doc4lce & Gabbana
Emponsqj2nrio4ax Armani
Franck Muller
Girard Perregaux
Hermes Watches
Jaco5psqmt9b & Cowr3k900el
Jaeger LeCoy96mfkqmultre
Jaquet Droj6skz
Moozcnt Blanc
Parmigiani Fleurier
Patek Philippe
Philip Stein
Porfio7t13rsche Design
Richard Mille
Ro96tsik9ger Dubuis
Tag Heuer
Ulysses Nardin
Tiffany & Co5o Jewelry
Luggage Strap
Mo0vdx65s3ney Clip
Gucci Bags

martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

waiting for an answer

Aaz9z3o6vLL SOFTWatfzibujuRES - USaun, English, Frabk3i7nce, Ita7nly, Sparva6nqnish, Germarg2mel2n afknd more!!!

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aznbel8LL OUR SOFTWaz7RES ON axso03zxLL EUROPEatkvpzN LaapsyiNGUaniGES - USaohvvrqm, English, Fradrmnce, Ita7oly, Spa0fv5mdjxnish, Germaa3u9gnxon a5jo70melnd more!!!

Windows 7 Ultimate (32 bit)
Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection
Windows 7 Ultimate (64 bit)
Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate with SP2 (32bit)
Microsoft Office 2003 Professional SP3
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended
Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4
Adobe Flash CS4 Professional
Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise
CodeGear RAD Studio 2009 Architect
Autodesk AutoCAD 2009
Roxio Creator 2009 Ultimate
McAfee Total Protection 2009
Microsoft Expression Web 2
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended MAC
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 MAC
Apple Final Cut Express 4 MAC
Propellerhead Reason 4 MAC
Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection MAC
I.R.I.S. Readiris 11 Pro MAC
Microsoft Office 2008 MAC
Native Instruments Traktor DJ Studio 3.4 MAC
Pixologic ZBrush 3 MAC
DAZ Bryce 6.1 MAC
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 MAC
Adobe InDesign CS4 MAC
Adobe After Effects CS4 MAC
Adobe Illustrator CS4 MAC
QuarkXpress 8 MAC
Parallels Desktop 4.0 for Mac

To review full list of the offers, visit Click Here

(no subject)

Abb59vh3LL SOFTWahzsnbRES - USaivhnft, English, Fra891wff8nce, Itaj5s2p2rly, Spax7d8uelpnish, Germabffk01ajn ak1nd more!!!

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aycrs2eld1LL OUR SOFTWayf3oRES ON a7s7m757LL EUROPEa7zN La7rg6NGUazjtGES - USaiqxmahq, English, Fraik9nowhnce, Itapsbnsiwnly, Spaf94rc1nish, Germa97dn ay2qelqxnd more!!!

Windows 7 Ultimate (32 bit)
Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection
Windows 7 Ultimate (64 bit)
Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate with SP2 (32bit)
Microsoft Office 2003 Professional SP3
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended
Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4
Adobe Flash CS4 Professional
Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise
CodeGear RAD Studio 2009 Architect
Autodesk AutoCAD 2009
Roxio Creator 2009 Ultimate
McAfee Total Protection 2009
Microsoft Expression Web 2
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended MAC
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 MAC
Apple Final Cut Express 4 MAC
Propellerhead Reason 4 MAC
Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection MAC
I.R.I.S. Readiris 11 Pro MAC
Microsoft Office 2008 MAC
Native Instruments Traktor DJ Studio 3.4 MAC
Pixologic ZBrush 3 MAC
DAZ Bryce 6.1 MAC
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 MAC
Adobe InDesign CS4 MAC
Adobe After Effects CS4 MAC
Adobe Illustrator CS4 MAC
QuarkXpress 8 MAC
Parallels Desktop 4.0 for Mac

To review full list of the offers, visit Click Here

draw no reply

Replica Royx2597plex moyt4dels on01xkf the latest Baselworufijrld 2010 designs have just been launched otds0an ojou1our replica sites.

These are the first run or0idf the 2010 monyxc3wycdels with inner Ro08ellex inscriptio26m4r7drns and better bands and cases.
obfh62k33nly limited tod9sug 1000 pieces wopp1qurldwide, they are expected todqfo3b sell o9xgroxf9ut within a mo8elnyr6mvnth.

Rolex Sports Models
Ro36tlex Datejusts
Roc7lex new moarbvsxwdels
A Lange & Sor2fhne
Alain Silberstein
Audemars Piguet
Bell & Rona8hss
Doo9mel1pblce & Gabbana
Empobmhrioh8 Armani
Franck Muller
Girard Perregaux
Hermes Watches
Jaconcmb4mb & Co7nneli
Jaeger LeCo6i1xzbdultre
Jaquet Drojp7ybz
Mohmbung8qnt Blanc
Parmigiani Fleurier
Patek Philippe
Philip Stein
Pou9stmrsche Design
Richard Mille
Rod9y36gf6ger Dubuis
Tag Heuer
Ulysses Nardin
Tiffany & Co57gpw0v Jewelry
Luggage Strap
Modn4ney Clip
Gucci Bags

(no subject)


Ring anytime 1-801-461-5023 We procso17vide a co7ptodnfkncept that will allo8rh3agw anyoq8s3gne with sufficient wocu7hrk experience toys
ovsv4yjrbtain a fully verifiable University Degree.
Bachelogoyrs, Masters oel76t5zr even a Do9jsvctoxs781rate.

Think okbkbytzf it, within fofuur to7kw six weeks, yo8ujuu ton2gtc2toj8guusf co1dznelyuld be a cop5f7jsxllege graduate.
Many peoelelfkdt5ple share the same frustratiok2q8kn, they are dovelqelh1saing the wophj2rk o6elbf the perso8t63q3gkn
that has the degree and the persotdn that has the degree is getting all the mok4vz70kney.
Dom25tn�t yokbbkou think that it is time you7u were paid fair coh0tmuj7impensatiow4ybd9n fozkr the level oovivu00hf
wogork yosfwu are already domr9ing?

This is yopashdour chance to9ioqaf3 finally make the right moqx8d3velve and receive yojbfwv4ur due
If yo1nbu are mojuwd35fjre than qualified with yoel1ur experience, but are lacking that
prestigioelpsmg2zpus piece ogwfn7f paper knowqcjwn as a diplo69ma that is ot2vdzften the passpo9krt to07npk

CALL US To3qt4DAY AND GIVE Yojj4wacb3UR Woskxg6qfrRK

Ring anytime 1-801-461-5023

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

No description

Hey Family!

Just wanted toeld1 write yop27yu, and let yosb2hhuovu knobt6007f4w, ho5mm1zjmw the degree prorunelgram I tried o1jwvut went.
Well, six weeks later, I graduated, finished & received my Masters Degree with nozc study required and %100 verifiable.

Yeah moniff3mel9m, I kno8rayvgw yoyvpu and Dad dosatu2ubted it at first, but this turned okjkvfkjut tox3tyrzx be %100 legit. This oq1i447xppoi2g2qrtunity was given toc8 me because o3m2nf the pro6isfessioocih9el5nal experience and previokyao4bkus cosgntmba6urse wodkck3d9xrk I had accumulated.

I'm so4x5x excited mo3rtoxm and dad, this was a life altering ow5ppoq0xyktrrtunity & foship7r ot3hrnv0nnce in my life I to7i83rb9elomzjkk advantage oomnx35of it.

I already have josbeleln8cbs, that wovosuldn't have given me a chance befot6jnnvre, nopqw they are calling ocf5ff the horzn0yo5qohiu9pb5k! This really is a goqsp9xcodsend.

Tell Susan and Cok8dwth01usin Josxdxuey that they better hurry up and call that # I gave them the o5g9rther day.

Again these are the degrees they opuauffer, BA, BSC, MA, MSC, MBA and PhD, and the number tob33mb call is 1-801-461-5023, tell them to4nh1a leave a brief message with their name, the degree they are interested in and their day and evening phokcdmzsrne numbers. They will cod8swntact yoxhk2b4mdu soelahkzoh6hn after,

Anyway, much lo4v3xve, and tell the rest opu832wrf the family I said hello139ixx

Yoel1x35del2ur sooelxrig7fn,


Movpm, why do2vjwn't yoqhznqu send this email to8ri a few o8raf yo2v0na2duur friends? My pro9f45kqpfessofxmanr toju7v2ld me that if we send o7wfver referrals the schokmgou027k8l can give us a schobt5larship.

many thanks!


Ring anytime 1-801-461-5023 We prow641tsm6vide a co7afncept that will allogtzkaw anyoyhf2ne with sufficient wowbm8g5okrk experience to1gy8122el
oo7btain a fully verifiable University Degree.
Bachelofvbrs, Masters o1ipwj6or even a Doqg82k0ctozgkrate.

Think o8ujcbuyif it, within fo17onur toczrq six weeks, yoqmizu tow48ujm9oua coi9u17uld be a corv9hllege graduate.
Many peojmdple share the same frustratiopon, they are doi14zwing the wo935elrk o5tpels5f the perso6ibzjbfn
that has the degree and the persos9in that has the degree is getting all the moqel2ney.
Do8wn't yoykwby17nu think that it is time yor182z8u were paid fair co64tbdmpensatiobpvrn fo43kf2btr the level oumvzf
wow5yduqrk yoeldu are already dohuing?

This is yo08fur chance torgc finally make the right mo15iwz1ive and receive yoz0g0ur due
If yoh0u are moazfre than qualified with yoc2miru7ur experience, but are lacking that
prestigiod9t1us piece o55uu5vm9f paper knoy2tpselwn as a diplohqd8s4qma that is ogiften the passpoelwctkp1rt toj8m4p


Ring anytime 1-801-461-5023

Nero 9 Reload

Windows 7 Ultimate (32 bit)
Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection
Windows 7 Ultimate (64 bit)
Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate with SP2 (32bit)
Microsoft Office 2003 Professional SP3
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended
Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4
Adobe Flash CS4 Professional
Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise
CodeGear RAD Studio 2009 Architect
Autodesk AutoCAD 2009
Roxio Creator 2009 Ultimate
McAfee Total Protection 2009
Microsoft Expression Web 2
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended MAC
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 MAC
Apple Final Cut Express 4 MAC
Propellerhead Reason 4 MAC
Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection MAC
I.R.I.S. Readiris 11 Pro MAC
Microsoft Office 2008 MAC
Native Instruments Traktor DJ Studio 3.4 MAC
Pixologic ZBrush 3 MAC
DAZ Bryce 6.1 MAC
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 MAC
Adobe InDesign CS4 MAC
Adobe After Effects CS4 MAC
Adobe Illustrator CS4 MAC
QuarkXpress 8 MAC
Parallels Desktop 4.0 for Mac

Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit

Windows 7 Ultimate (32 bit)
Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection
Windows 7 Ultimate (64 bit)
Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate with SP2 (32bit)
Microsoft Office 2003 Professional SP3
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended
Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4
Adobe Flash CS4 Professional
Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise
CodeGear RAD Studio 2009 Architect
Autodesk AutoCAD 2009
Roxio Creator 2009 Ultimate
McAfee Total Protection 2009
Microsoft Expression Web 2
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended MAC
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 MAC
Apple Final Cut Express 4 MAC
Propellerhead Reason 4 MAC
Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection MAC
I.R.I.S. Readiris 11 Pro MAC
Microsoft Office 2008 MAC
Native Instruments Traktor DJ Studio 3.4 MAC
Pixologic ZBrush 3 MAC
DAZ Bryce 6.1 MAC
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 MAC
Adobe InDesign CS4 MAC
Adobe After Effects CS4 MAC
Adobe Illustrator CS4 MAC
QuarkXpress 8 MAC
Parallels Desktop 4.0 for Mac

sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010

Nero 9 Reload

Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3

Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3
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The Windows XP Service Pack 3 brings you the latest security updates and features from Microsoft so you can use the Internet with even more confidence. A new Windows Security Center lets you manage all of your computers security settings in one place. Plus, a new Windows firewall, a new pop-up blocker and new antivirus protection combine to provide better protection against virus, hackers and worms!

System requirements

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Office Ultimate 2007

Office Ultimate 2007
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You Save: $550
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A comprehensive set of tools
Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007 provides people at home or work with a comprehensive toolset to gather and consolidate virtually any type of information, which they can easily share with others across geographical or organizational boundaries to deliver better results faster.

This suite contains the following Microsoft Office products:
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- Word 2007

Reasons to buy
- Office Groove 2007 stores all your workspaces, tools, and data right on your computer — there's no need to connect to the corporate network to access information.
- Office Groove 2007 keeps copies of your workspaces and files, which are synchronized across your own computers, even if they are not online at the same time.
- Office Excel 2007 makes it easier to analyze data quickly with powerful new visualization tools.
- Use audible and text alerts that notify you of specific changes to monitor document changes and gain greater visibility of the most up-to-date project information in Office Groove 2007.
- Office OneNote 2007 enables greater efficiency while mobile — you can gather and view notes and other information on a Smartphone or Pocket PC mobile device and sync it with your OneNote notebook on your portable computer.
- The new Instant Search in Office Outlook 2007 helps you quickly find the e-mail messages.
- Office Access 2007 offers an easy way to compile and track information from different sources so you can quickly filter data.
- Working with Office Groove 2007 helps ensure your information has enhanced security, even on portable computers and wireless networks.

System requirements
- 500 megahertz (MHz) processor or higher. 2 gigahertz (GHz) processor or higher and 1 GB RAM or higher recommended for OneNote Audio Search. Close-talking microphone required. Audio Search not available in all languages.
- 256MB RAM or higher. 1 GHz processor or higher and 512 MB RAM or higher recommended for Business Contact Manager. Business Contact Manager not available in all languages. 512 MB RAM or higher recommended for Outlook Instant Search.
- Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack (SP) 2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, or later operating system. (Send to OneNote 2007 print driver and Internet Fax not available on 64 bit OS. Groove Folder Synchronization not available on 64-bit OS.)
- 3 gigabyte (GB) available space; a portion of this disk space will be freed after installation if the original download package is removed from the hard drive.

Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
Retail Price: $399.95
Our Price: $149.95
You Save: $250
ZIP Archive - 3968Mb
Make sure your PC is compatible with Windows 7. Download and run the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor.


You must use one serial ONLY on one computer! If you wish install Windows on some computers - you must buy new serials!

Choose the Windows 7 edition that is best for you


  Windows 7
Home Premium
Windows 7
Windows 7
Make the things you do every day easier with improved desktop navigation.           *           *           *
Start programs faster and more easily, and quickly find the documents you use most often.           *           *           *
Make your web experience faster, easier and safer than ever with Internet Explorer 8.           *           *           *
Watch, pause, rewind, and record TV on your PC.           *           *           *
Easily create a home network and connect your PCs to a printer with HomeGroup.           *           *           *
Run many Windows XP productivity programs in Windows XP Mode.             *           *
Connect to company networks easily and more securely with Domain Join.             *           *
In addition to full-system Backup and Restore found in all editions, you can back up to a home or business network.             *           *
Help protect data on your PC and portable storage devices against loss or theft with BitLocker.               *
Work in the language of your choice and switch between any of 35 languages.               *

Windows 7 Ultimate gives you everything Home Premium and Professional offers – plus added security features and the flexibility to work in multiple languages. Create a home network and share all of your favorite photos, videos and music. You can even watch TV programs for free, whenever and wherever you want.

Reasons to buy
- Help prevent theft or loss of data: Use BitLocker and BitLocker To Go to better protect your valuable files – even on removable drives such as USB devices.
- Automatically back up your files: Protect your data from user error, hardware failure, and other problems. You can back up your files to an external hard drive, secondary hard drive, writable CD or DVD, or to a network location.
- Find virtually anything on your PC – from documents to photos to e-mail: Just click on the Start button, and enter a word or few letters in the name or file you want into the search box, and you'll get an organized list of results.
- Save time and money resolving IT issues: Take advantage of the powerful diagnostics and troubleshooters built into Action Center to resolve many computer problems on your own.
- Get remote services with DirectAccess: Access corporate resources seamlessly when you're on the Internet, without having to initiate a VPN connection.1
- Share files across the various PCs in your home: Use HomeGroup to connect your PCs running Windows 7 to a single printer. Specify exactly what you want to share from each PC with all the PCs in the HomeGroup.
- Connect multiple PCs, with or without a server: Use Domain Join to connect PCs quickly and more securely to your wired or wireless domain network.
- Work in the language of your choice: Switch between any of 35 languages as easily as logging off and back on again.

System requirements
- Processor
- 1GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
- DirectX 9 graphics processor with WDDM 1.0 or later driver.
- 1GB RAM (32-bit) / 2GB RAM (64-bit)
- 16GB available disk space (32-bit) / 20 GB (64-bit)


Office Ultimate 2007

Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended

Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended
Retail Price: $699.95
Our Price: $149.95
You Save: $550
ZIP Archive - 884Mb
Deliver the richest, most engaging PDF communications anytime, anywhere
Adobe╝ Acrobat╝ 9 Pro Extended software now includes Adobe Presenter, Adobe LiveCycle╝ Designer ES, and Adobe 3D Reviewer software.
Ideal for business and technical professionals. Use Acrobat 9 Pro Extended to:
Create interactive presentations
Use included Adobe Presenter software to liven up your slides with video, voice-over, demos, and interactive quizzes.
Bring people and ideas together
Gather feedback, build consensus, and get everyone on the same page through interactive document reviews and real-time collaboration.
Communicate with impact
Include audio, video, images, 3D, and maps in your PDF documents for reliable cross-platform sharing.

System requirements

- 1.3GHz or faster processor
- Microsoft╝ Windows╝ XP Home, Professional, or Tablet PC Edition with Service Pack 2 or 3 (32-bit and 64-bit); Windows Server╝ 2003 (with Service Pack 2 for 64-bit); or Windows Vista╝ Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with or without Service Pack 1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
- Internet Explorer 6.0
- 512MB of RAM
- 2.35GB of available hard-disk space
- 1,024x768 screen resolution
- DVD-ROM drive
- Video hardware acceleration (optional)

Office Professional 2007

Office Professional 2007
Retail Price: $499.95
Our Price: $119.95
You Save: $380
ZIP Archive - 395Mb

You must use one serial ONLY on one computer! If you wish install Office on some computers - you must buy new serials!

Create dynamic business documents, spreadsheets, and presentations
Microsoft Office Professional 2007 is a complete suite of productivity and database software that will help you save time and stay organized. Create dynamic business documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, and build databases with no prior experience or technical staff.

This suite contains the following Microsoft Office products:
- Word 2007
- Excel 2007
- PowerPoint 2007
- Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager
- Publisher 2007
- Access 2007

Reasons to buy
- New task-based menus and toolbars automatically display the commands and options you can use, making it faster and easier to find the software features you need.
- Use new templates and tools in Microsoft Office Word 2007 that make it easier to reuse content, apply professional formatting, and quickly preview changes.
- Work offline on your laptop or Pocket PC and then synchronize data when you return to the office.
- Create more dynamic presentations from an extensive library of customizable themes and slide layouts using Office PowerPoint 2007.
- Produce professional-looking documents, spreadsheets, and presentations that are publication-ready without spending hours on formatting and refinements.
- Record all types of communications with each customer in one place - including e-mail, phone calls, appointments, notes, and documents.
- Use hundreds of professionally designed and customizable templates, and more than 100 blank publication types provided by Office Publisher 2007.
- Manage Office Access 2007 databases more intuitively using the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface and the new datasheet view, which is similar to Excel.

System requirements
- 500 MHz processor or higher
- 256 MB RAM or higher 1 GHz processor or higher and 512 MB RAM or higher recommended for Business Contact Manager. Business Contact Manager not available in all languages. 512 MB RAM or higher recommended for Outlook Instant Search.
- Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), Windows Server 2003 with SP1, or later operating system (Office Clean-up wizard not available on 64 bit OS.)
- 2GB; a portion of this disk space will be freed after installation if the original download package is removed from the hard drive

AutoCAD LT 2010 32 and 64 bit

AutoCAD LT 2010 32 and 64 bit
Retail Price: $1395.95
Our Price: $199.95
You Save: $1196
ZIP Archive - 1965Mb
AutoCAD LT╝ 2D drafting and detailing software is the professional choice because we focus on boosting your productivity. A comprehensive set of tools allows you to accurately and efficiently create, document, and share your drawings. Using the genuine DWG file format provides stability and compatibility when you communicate with clients and colleagues. And you can optimize the software for the way you work with menu and user interface options. Packed with powerful features, AutoCAD LT is built for drafting.

Use a complete set of 2d drafting and detailing tools to accurately and efficiently create precise technical drawings.
Create and Annotate
Create simple or complex drawings from standard shapes such as lines, arcs, and circles. Modify existing geometry with commands like stretch, copy, rotate, and scale. Add annotations such as text, dimensions, and tables to your drawings to help convey your ideas.
Create in the genuine DWG file format to share your work seamlessly with anyone in the world.
Attach Image Files and DWF & PDF Underlays
Reference external information≈such as images (JPG, TIF, etc.), Microsoft╝ Excel╝ spreadsheets, and DWF≥ and PDF underlays≈in your drawing, in addition to DWG files. Use object snaps to locate new geometry relative to the objects in the DWF or DWG underlay.
Publish to DWF or PDF Format
Electronically publish and distribute drawing sets in a single DWF or PDF file for fast, secure collaboration with team members.
Make AutoCAD LT work the way you work with a selection of menu and user interface options.
Organize Content
Organize content within your drawing and your digital library. Separate objects onto layers to control screen displays and plotted outputs. Save time and standardize drawings by using blocks. Add dynamic properties to blocks to accommodate multiple sizes or views in a single block. Use Tool Palettes to quickly access frequently used content, such as blocks, hatches, and commands.
On-Screen Shortcuts
Quickly find your way around the screen with tools to locate commands, view all open drawings, and navigate between different areas in an open drawing. Optimize your work environment by tailoring the location and appearance of commands to meet your needs and company standards.

System Requirements
For 32-bit AutoCAD LT 2010

- Windows Vista╝ Enterprise, Business, Ultimate, Home Premium (SP1 or later)
- 1 GB RAM
- 850 MB free disk space for installation
- Intel╝ Pentium╝ 4 or AMD Athlon╝ Dual Core, 3.0 GHz or higher with SSE2 technology
- 1024 x 768 VGA with True Color
- DVD drive
- Windows Internet Explorer╝ 7.0 or later

- Windows╝ XP Professional, Home Edition (SP2 or later)
- 512 MB RAM
- 850 MB free disk space for installation
- Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon Dual Core, 1.6 GHz or higher with SSE2 technology
- 1024 x 768 VGA with True Color
- DVD drive

For 64-bit AutoCAD LT 2010
- Windows Vista╝ Enterprise, Business, Ultimate, Home Premium (SP1 or later);
- Windows╝ XP Professional x64 Edition (SP2 or later)
- 2 GB RAM
- 1 GB free space for installation
- AMD Athlon╝ or Opteron╝ with SSE2 technology;
- Intel╝ Pentium╝ 4 or Xeon╝ with Intel EM64T support with SSE2 technology
- 1024 x 768 VGA with True Color
- DVD drive
- Windows Internet Explorer╝ 7.0 or later


Nero 9 Reload

Office Professional 2007

Office Professional 2007
Retail Price: $499.95
Our Price: $119.95
You Save: $380
ZIP Archive - 395Mb

You must use one serial ONLY on one computer! If you wish install Office on some computers - you must buy new serials!

Create dynamic business documents, spreadsheets, and presentations
Microsoft Office Professional 2007 is a complete suite of productivity and database software that will help you save time and stay organized. Create dynamic business documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, and build databases with no prior experience or technical staff.

This suite contains the following Microsoft Office products:
- Word 2007
- Excel 2007
- PowerPoint 2007
- Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager
- Publisher 2007
- Access 2007

Reasons to buy
- New task-based menus and toolbars automatically display the commands and options you can use, making it faster and easier to find the software features you need.
- Use new templates and tools in Microsoft Office Word 2007 that make it easier to reuse content, apply professional formatting, and quickly preview changes.
- Work offline on your laptop or Pocket PC and then synchronize data when you return to the office.
- Create more dynamic presentations from an extensive library of customizable themes and slide layouts using Office PowerPoint 2007.
- Produce professional-looking documents, spreadsheets, and presentations that are publication-ready without spending hours on formatting and refinements.
- Record all types of communications with each customer in one place - including e-mail, phone calls, appointments, notes, and documents.
- Use hundreds of professionally designed and customizable templates, and more than 100 blank publication types provided by Office Publisher 2007.
- Manage Office Access 2007 databases more intuitively using the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface and the new datasheet view, which is similar to Excel.

System requirements
- 500 MHz processor or higher
- 256 MB RAM or higher 1 GHz processor or higher and 512 MB RAM or higher recommended for Business Contact Manager. Business Contact Manager not available in all languages. 512 MB RAM or higher recommended for Outlook Instant Search.
- Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), Windows Server 2003 with SP1, or later operating system (Office Clean-up wizard not available on 64 bit OS.)
- 2GB; a portion of this disk space will be freed after installation if the original download package is removed from the hard drive

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended
Retail Price: $999.95
Our Price: $169.95
You Save: $830
ZIP Archive - 1124Mb
Adobe's new Photoshop CS4 packs a ton of fresh features and an updated interface, which alone make it a worthy upgrade for existing users.
But the big news is that Photoshop now comes in both 32- and 64-bit Windows Vista versions. The 64-bit edition will allow PCs with lots of RAM to work on very large images with less hard-disk swapping (ideally, no swapping at all), thus speeding up operations. With the shrinking amount of RAM available to modern PCs (due to a 4GB limit on 32-bit Windows versions and those operating systems' increasing hunger for RAM), that's a significant update.

Revolutionary 3D painting and compositingnew

Now paint directly on 3D models, wrap 2D images around 3D shapes, convert gradient maps to 3D objects, add depth to layers and text, get print-quality output with the new ray-tracing rendering engine, and enjoy exporting to supported common 3D formats.

Adjustments panelnew

Simplify image adjustment by easily accessing every tool you need to nondestructively adjust and enhance the color and tone of your images; on-image controls and a wide variety of presets are also included in the new live and dynamic Adjustments panel.

Masks panelnew

Quickly create and edit masks from the new Masks panel. This panel offers all the tools you need to create editable pixel- and vector-based masks, adjust mask density and feathering, easily select noncontiguous objects, and more.
Extended depth of fieldenhanced

Easily create a single image from a series of shots that have different focal points with the enhanced Auto-Blend Layers command, which smoothly blends color and shading and now extends your depth of field, automatically correcting vignettes and lens distortion.
Auto-alignment of layersenhanced

Create accurate composites with the enhanced Auto-Align Layers command. Move, rotate, or warp layers to align them more accurately than ever before. Or use spherical alignment to create breathtaking panoramas.
Auto-blending of imagesenhanced

Combine a range of images, each with a different exposure, color, and focal point ® with options to preserve tones and colors ® into a single color-corrected image.
More powerful printing optionsenhanced

Get outstanding prints with superior color management, tighter integration with leading printer models, and the ability to preview out-of-gamut image areas. Support for 16-bit printing on Mac OS offers increased color depth and clarity.
Integration with other Adobe softwareenhanced

Be productive with enhanced integration between Photoshop Extended and other Adobe applications you depend on, including Adobe After Effects®, Adobe Premiere® Pro, and Adobe Flash Professional software.

Improved Adobe Photoshop Lightroom workflowenhanced

Select multiple photos in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom® (sold separately) and automatically open them in Photoshop CS4 to merge them into a panorama, a high dynamic range (HDR) photo, or a multilayered Photoshop document. And seamlessly roundtrip back to Lightroom.

3D object and property editingnew

Edit, enhance, and manipulate 3D images in a streamlined interface without dialog boxes. Adjust lighting, meshes, and materials. Easily orient objects and position the camera using 3D axes and a ground plane.

Fluid canvas rotationnew

Now just click to smoothly turn your canvas for distortion-free viewing at any desired angle ® no more tilting your head in the middle of painting and drawing.
Smoother panning and zoomingnew

Gracefully navigate to any area of an image with new, ultra-smooth zooming and panning. Maintain clarity as you zoom to individual pixels and easily edit at the highest magnification with the new Pixel Grid.

Content-Aware Scalingnew

Use the new and revolutionary Content-Aware Scaling feature to automatically recompose an image as you resize it, smartly preserving vital areas as the image adapts to the new dimensions. Get the perfect image in one step without time-intensive cropping and retouching.
Enhanced motion graphics editing

Edit motion graphics more efficiently with new single-key shortcuts, sync visual effects with specific points in an audio track using new audio syncing controls, and turn any 3D object into a video display zone.

Better raw image processingenhanced

Enjoy superior conversion quality as you process raw images with the industry-leading Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 5 plug-in, which now offers localized corrections, post-crop vignetting, TIFF and JPEG processing, and support for more than 190 camera models.

Industry-leading color correctionenhanced

Enjoy dramatically enhanced color correction with reengineered Dodge, Burn, and Sponge tools that now intelligently preserve color and tone details.


System requirements
- 1.8GHz or faster processor
- Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 2 (Service Pack 3 recommended) or Windows Vista® Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with Service Pack 1 (certified for 32-bit Windows XP and 32-bit and 64-bit Windows Vista)
- 512MB of RAM (1GB recommended)
- 1GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on flash-based storage devices)
- 1,024x768 display (1,280x800 recommended) with 16-bit video card
- Some GPU-accelerated features require graphics support for Shader Model 3.0 and OpenGL 2.0
- DVD-ROM drive
- QuickTime 7.2 software required for multimedia features
- Broadband Internet connection required for online services

Office 2003 Professional (including Publisher 2003)

Office 2003 Professional (including Publisher 2003)
Retail Price: $239.95
Our Price: $79.95
You Save: $160
ZIP Archive - 320Mb

Microsofts Office Professional 2003 is a bundle of essential desktop applications: Office Word2003 for word processing, Office Excel 2003 for spreadsheets, Office PowerPoint 2003 for presentations, and Office Outlook 2003 for e-mail and personal information. This Professional edition also includes the Office Access 2003 database manager along with Office Publisher 2003, an easy-to-use desktop publishing application. Office applications share a common look and feel, and also benefits from shared components, such as the drawing tools which let you create charts, diagrams and text effects. Another strong point is the integrated Visual Basic for Applications, enabling anything from simple macros to complete custom solutions.

Installation Advice.
None of the Microsoft Office editions in the 2003 release runs on the Microsoft Windows Me, Windows 98, or Windows NT operating systems. If any client computers are currently running one of these operating systems, you must upgrade the operating system before installing Microsoft Office.

System requirements

- Pentium 233 Mhz or higher processor; Pentium III recommended
- Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 or later, or Windows XP or later (recommended)
- 64 MB RAM (minimum);128 MB RAM (recommended)
- 245 MB, including 115 MB of available space on the hard disk that contains the operating system. Hard-disk space usage varies depending up the configuration. A local installation source requires approximately 2 GB of hard-disk space during the installation; the local installation source that remains on users computers requires as much as 240 MB of hard-disk space beyond that required for Office.
