Viagra is by far the
most re cognizable brand name and for the drug silde nafil citrate . It is produce d and marke te d by the pharmace utical giant Pfize r, and is also sold unde r the name Ravatio and Cave rta in ce rtain locations throughout the world. Viagra is produce d for one re ason and one re ason only, to tre at e re ctile dysfunction, or as it's more commonly known, e D. It come s in the form of a blue pill in 25mg, 50mg, and 100mg dosage s. Although it is available only by way of a doctor's pre scription, you can actually buy Viagra on the Inte rne t if you so choose .The
drug Viagra wasn't e ve n inte nde d to tre at what is so wide ly known for now, in the be ginning. It Was de signe d in the 1990s with the for the purpose of tre ating a form of he art dise ase known as angina pe ctoris. It didn't work for the purpose it was inte nde d, howe ve r, re se arche rs of the drug notice d an inte re sting side e ffe ct of the drug at those who are te sting it. It consiste ntly induce d e re ctions.The
y had a gold mine on the ir hands and the y kne w it. It was the n pate nte d in 1996 with the inte ntion of de ve lopme nt as a tre atme nt for e D. By 1998 it had passe d the ne ce ssary te sts for FDA approval, and was re le ase d to the public whe re it was re ce ive d with ope n arms and ope n le gs.e
re ctile dysfunction is a ve ry common disorde r in me n, and is brought about by any numbe r of factors. Some of the most common cause s be hind e D are psychological in origin, and some are e qually base d on physical abnormalitie s. The vast majority of me n will find that the y will have some difficulty ge tting or maintaining an e re ction at at one time or anothe r, e ve n though the y may be pe rfe ctly he althy.The
se are the instance s whe re Viagra has prove n to be ve ry e ffe ctive inde e d. Some case s of e D can be cause d by damage to the ne rvous syste m, diabe te s, or hypogonadism, and in the se case s Viagra may not be e ffe ctive . If a doctor you to e ffe ctive ly scre e n ne w office rs of que stions to se e if it can he lp you payViagra is classifie
d as a PDe 5 inhibitor. Pre tty fancy name isn't it? PDe 5 cause s a compound calle d cyclic GMP or cGMP to de grade . Since cGMP cause s the arte rial smooth muscle s in the pe nis to re lax, which will the n allow the pe nis to be come e ngorge d blood which is how an e re ction is cre ate d. Stopping or re stricting the action of PDe 5 will re sult in pe nile e re ctions if the individual has an othe rwise cle an bill of he alth. Some othe r PDe 5 inhibitors available today include Le vitra, and Cialis. You have probably he ard of all of the m be cause the y adve rtise ve ry aggre ssive ly for this lucrative marke t.Viagra is not without side
e ffe cts and some of the m include he adache s, stomach upse t, flushing, and swe ating. Viagra has be e n re porte d to also cause blurre d vision in some case s, and in some rare case s have actually be e n re ports of te mporary blindne ss. Viagra should not be take n in conjunction with drugs de signe d for angina pe ctoris, combination can cause a se rious drop in blood pre ssure that may be ve ry dange rous. e ve n though it is available on the inte rne t, it is always wise to consult a qualifie d physician be fore taking any drug, including Viagra.
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